Reformed Church in America
Our church is affiliated with the Reformed Church in America through the Classis of Delaware- Raritan and Synod of the Mid-Atlantics.
Our openly declared purpose is to worship God, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to celebrate the Sacraments, to teach and encourage the application of Christian values both individually and socially, to realize Christian fellowship and unity within this church and the Church Universal, to render loving service toward all mankind, and to strive for righteousness, justice and peace in the world.
The RCA believes in Christian unity and expresses this belief by belonging to several “families” of churches. The Reformed Church is a member of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and is a founding member of the World
Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., as well as the recently formed Christian Churches Together.
Other Church Affiliations
The RCA has entered into a Formula of Agreement with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ, and the Presbyterian Church (USA). The fifth anniversary of the Agreement was celebrated in 2003.
The RCA also expresses unity by working in partnership with other denominations to publish resources, host training events, and coordinate special programs. The RCA’s missions program operates through partnerships with other Christian churches and mission organizations.