
The South Branch Reformed Church Preschool was established in 1968 is a nonprofit, interracial, nonpolitical

The Preschool provides a friendly, relaxed, and stimulating atmosphere as well as a secure environment in which children participate in a child-sized world. Play oriented activities are geared to challenge each child to develop socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually at his/her own pace. The aesthetic and moral values and the self-esteem of each child are also developed

institution operating a two-year state certified program for children ages 3-5 years of age.

The Preschool espouses the philosophy that education and learning are a part of life rather than a preparation for it. The child learns through active participation with the environment and through real-life experiences with the world around them.

The Preschool provides a friendly, relaxed, and stimulating atmosphere as well as a secure environment in which children participate in a child-sized world. Play oriented activities are geared to challenge each child to develop socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually at his/her own pace. The aesthetic and moral values and the self-esteem of each child are also developed.

A basic objective of the Preschool is to provide socialization. However, cognitive learning, the acquisition of intellectual or “readiness” skills, is also of primary concern. Opportunities for a variety of meaningful activities are provided on a daily basis, to meet each child’s needs, interests, and abilities.

For more information, please contact Maureen DeMarco, Director of the Prechool Program, at 908-369-7885 or by email at